Let's Work Together

With everything you have going on, too many times what you really need to optimize your health gets put aside. It could be a number of things that you need to nourish yourself and it isn’t always food. I can help support you in making impactful life transformations — MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.


The Womb Sauna Experience – {Herbal Vaginal Steaming}

The Womb Sauna experience, is a biopsychosocial (mind, body, spirit) natural, non-evasive and effective life-changing, sacred method of vaginal herbal steaming. This type of vaginal steaming supports women in getting to the root cause of womb imbalances, and life imbalances. Womb health has a direct connection to how fulfilled a woman is in her life on many levels, not just bearing children — but total wellness.

Private Coaching

Get a uniquely customized road-map to your health, with your desires and specific goals in mind. Ditch the crazy diets, cleanses and resolutions. It’s time for some accountability! Let me guide you, help you uncover, unlearn and relearn for sustainable health and wellness that you deserve.

Group Coaching

As great as one on one coaching is, group coaching is just as awesome and fun. I love sharing my knowledge and favorite tips about integrative health and wellness with people. If you’re feeling the need for a group share where it could be more comfortable for you or maybe you know others that are going through the same thing, then this forum could be for you. Make it a healthy learning event!

Grocery Store Tour

As you explore the shelves from aisle to aisle, you’ll learn about planning and preparing healthy meals, the benefits of plant-based foods such as chard, kale, quinoa, and flaxseed, and walk away knowing exactly why you need to read the label on everything that passes your lips – for the sake of you and your family.

Pantry Cleaning

Everything starts at home. A part of cultivating a healthy lifestyle, has so much to do with what’s happening in your kitchen - your pantry more specifically. As we literally clean your pantry out (and your refrigerator), you’ll learn about what to ditch and what to keep, expiration dates and other healthy tips to organize your pantry and help get you (and possibly your family too) on track with beginning to think about what’s going in your body. 

Brand Coaching + Start-Up

Like so many other Health and Wellness Coaches and the like, I come bearing other gifts. I am also an accomplished design creative professional with a specialty in user experience and user interface design and development. Basically, I can help other health, wellness and lifestyle professionals, possibly like yourself, get started with designing and developing a brand, or improving upon what you might already have.